Goal Setting for Jiu-Jitsu and Life!

One of the areas we focus on teaching at the dojo is the importance of setting goals. One of the big benefits of the martial arts belt system is the ability to set a concrete goal for yourself. To be a white belt today and be able to say, I’m going to be a black belt- and here are the steps I have to take. The progression through the colored belts between white and black belt are your mile markers on your journey and help you chunk down your goal.


When I was a white belt, I knew I would be that black belt in the future, but in the near-term I just had to focus on earning that next belt in front of me- my blue belt.


And what does it take to earn my blue belt? Consistent practice, learning to be a good training partner, technical proficiency, and a healthy attitude about progressing (on the path to mastery there are some bumps on the road). After earning my belt I can start to set my sights on the next step. What new skills do I need to learn, what are the areas of my training and life I need to improve?  


Learning how to set and achieve a long-term goal in jiu-jitsu, karate, taekwondo, or any martial art carries over into other areas of our lives and allows us to follow the same blueprint to achieve success in our schooling, work, and our personal lives.


In my own experience, earning my jiu-jitsu black belt has been THE most challenging goal I’ve accomplished in my life and after doing it, other big goals doesn’t seem quite as intimidating because I understand the process for achievement


Something we talk about with students  is having SMART goals:


Specific (say exactly what you want to accomplish)

Measurable (be able to track your progress)

Attainable (goals should be challenging but not impossible)

Relevant (fits with your other goals and life plan)

Time-bound (what is your deadline to achieve this goal)


The key for your SMART goal is to keep in mind that thinking about it isn’t enough! You need to write it down and review it on a regular basis!


Call to schedule your free orientation 512-504-3354 or read more about Dojo Kyle at www.dojokyle.com


Thank you,


WIll Caldwell


Dojo Kyle is the top martial arts school in Kyle/Buda. Founded in 2011 by Ryan Shinto, Dojo Kyle offers classes for kids ages 5 and up designed to develop the critical building blocks they need for school excellence and later success in life. Dojo Kyle’s adult program is structured as a complete fitness and conditioning program for adults  who want to lose weight, get (and stay) in shape or learn self-defense in a supportive environment.

Will Caldwell is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and Judo black belt. He graduated from Texas State University and became involved in martial arts while in college. He was one of Ryan Shinto’s first students at Dojo Kyle and believed so much in the life changing results of training (from experiencing it himself!), that he was offered a larger role at the school and became part owner- dedicating his time and energy to introducing more and more people to martial arts!


Improve Your Goal-Setting Skills by Training in Martial Arts

Martial arts have been practiced and passed down generation after another for centuries now, though the true origins of certain disciplines remain shrouded in the mists of antiquity. Fighting styles have evolved and given birth to new ones over vast periods of time. Today we have various types of martial arts such as Karate, Kung fu, Jujitsu, Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and Tae Kwon Do, which focus on different aspects or styles of fighting, with both shared and unique traditions and philosophical elements.

Initially developed for prowess in personal combat and self-defense, these martial arts have now been found to improve the character, behavior, and mental conditions of students of all ages and backgrounds. Apart from physical movements, most of these martial arts also espouse intellectual concepts such as balance, meditation, proper breathing, and combat ethics. In this piece, however, you will see how it helps in improving your goal-setting skills in life.

Improving goal-setting skills

The abilities to set “smart” goals and then work and persevere to earn them on time are important for anyone in his or her everyday life. And to achieve them, you need to have a set of skills that may be developed from practicing martial arts. Focus and concentration on the job or goal at hand is important to achieve it. Martial arts develop concentration, listening skills, and reaction time, significantly helping students focus and remain loyal to their goals.

Physical fitness is an incremental process achieved by training over time, but it’s a vital pursuit for those aiming to achieve certain health goals, like significant weight loss or beating a disease. Most martial arts schools stress the importance of diet along with much repetition of the rigorous techniques of the discipline. A fit body and clear mind give you the self-confidence to go the extra mile. The belt system in martial arts keeps you engaged with one goal after the other. This in turn reflects in your goal setting skills in your professional and personal lives. Now let us see how to set goals in your life with the help of martial arts.

How to set goals

List the goals that want to achieve. Make sure these goals are not far-fetched and assign a time period for each goal. For example, you want to reduce 30 lbs by the end of the year. Measure your progress throughout the process of reaching your goal. If you manage to complete it in the specific time period, reward yourself with a something new, and if not, punish yourself with some extra practicing time per day. Keep the goal visible: look at it every day.

Picture finally reaching the stage of success to motivate yourself to reach it. For example, if your goal is to earn your 1st Degree Black Belt, picture yourself wearing it in class, and no bigger motivation may be required. Martial arts demand your pain and sweat if you want to pass each level through successive ranks and belts – and acquire the powerful abilities that come with them. This level of long-term or intermediate goal motivates you to keep trying as challenges and rewards continue occurring in your training and fitness.

People have a misconception that martial arts training is merely for children. Adults experience many more complex challenges, responsibilities, and stressors in both personal and professional lives. Hence, by improving self-confidence and self-control, rehearsing martial arts techniques is especially helpful to adults. It helps us become more efficient, and also more likely to “keep our cool” during difficult situations. Bypass the misconceptions and start learning martial arts today if you want to start converting personal dreams into life-changing realities!